I make stuff


I will be giving a talk at the Better Software Conference in Sweden, summer of 2025. Make sure you tune in! There's a roster of amazing folks there.

ReboudExpress A physics puzzle game about bouncing parcel boxes.

Download the game here.

CactusViewer A small handmade image viewer written in C/C++.

Source code and binaries

devlog 6 Article: A Simple Function-Based Menu System
Writing a simple and robust menu system that is easy to implement, work with, and debug.

New song!

Original composition and lyrics, with recorded guitars, vocals, and bass. Read the lyrics here.

devlog 4 Article: Writing a low-level immediate-mode renderer
Writing a graphics rendering API using OpenGL with ease of use and modularity in mind. The process is explained on how the algorithms work.

My game is released!

AV-Racer Devlog: Read on how the game was made here.

New song!

Original composition and lyrics, with recorded guitars, vocals, and bass. Drumtrack composed on Garageband. Read the lyrics here.

Donate If you like the stuff I do, consider a donation. It helps me make the time to work on my projects and make more stuff.


email: wassimulator@gmail.com